This is such an important discussion. Thank you for articulating the nuance so well.

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As someone who started reading more about health this year, it was so disheartening to feel that I was finding more effective ways to care for me and my family’s health and then to feel that so many of the people that I follow are suddenly aligned with a political candidate who seems further from health (in so many ways) than ever. Casey Means’ Good Energy was a #1 NYTimes bestseller and has some amazing information in it that has greatly improved my life. Yet, it feels like all of a sudden she is aligned with Trump? It’s confusing and frustrating. Thank you for writing this and I hope it reaches who it needs to before the election.

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Just to point out that Bernie has always been registered as an Independent. He's not been pushed out of the Democratic Party, he just wanted to be part when he could try to leverage it.

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Love all of this. But also...what are the tinctures you give for illnesses? Spread the wisdom! :)

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